Instructed Sessions
Mondays, 8pm: Women’s Social Climbing
We run a friendly Women’s Social every Monday night: the perfect opportunity to make new friends, celebrate wins big and small, and enjoy all the brilliant climbing that our centre has to offer. Come for the whole duration, or drop in when you can.
One of our (normally female) friendly instructors will be on hand to share hints and tips throughout the session.
Wednesdays, 8pm: Social Climbing
If you’re new to climbing and/or are looking for a fun and supportive environment, our Social Climbing Nights are the perfect opportunity. We welcome climbers of all abilities over the age of 18, with the simple aim of having fun, meeting new people and reaching new heights together.
This is a relaxed, informal get-together.
Fridays, 8pm: Dates or mates!
Grab a buddy and come down to Gecko as a pair! 2 for £20.00!